Weddings, Wedding Photography and Wedding Photographers
Wedding photography is the photography by photographers of activities associated with weddings.
It includes photographs of the couple before their marriage (for signature mounts, wedding
invitations, announcements, or thank you cards) plus coverage of the wedding ceremony and
reception. The wedding reception includes the wedding breakfast the name given to the first meal
shared by the married couple. With the advent of civil weddings and civil partnerships non
religious venues are now licensed by councils across the country. The venue for the wedding
ceremony and wedding reception are often the same thus saving the wedding photographer from
having to travel between the ceremony and reception locations. If a civil wedding license is
granted the venue is also licensed for civil parnerships, often referred to as same sex
weddings. Photographers not photographing weddings in churches are not restricted to taking the
photographs at the wedding venue. Many will take the couple and often some or all of the guests
to locations nearby especially if there is beautiful countryside or a beach location that will
give the wedding photographs some different backdrops. For many professional photographers
weddings is the sole or primary photography service. Many photographers do not have studios and
prefer to concentrate on photography on location; wedding photography has therefore become a
very popular sideline business for many amateur photographers.
Wedding Photography - Changes
Like the technological advances in photography, wedding photography has grown and evolved and
since the invention of the photographic art form in 1826 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. In fact, an
early photograph, recorded some 14 years later, may be a recreation for the camera of the 1840
wedding of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert. During the early days of photography, most couples
did not hire a photographer to record the actual wedding itself due to cost. Until the latter
half of the 19th century, most people would pose for formal wedding photos before or after the
wedding in their best clothes. In the late 1860s, more couples started posing in their wedding
clothes or sometimes hired a photographer to come to the wedding venue.
Wedding Photographers did not attend weddings
Photography equipment was bulky (some photographers would say it still is) and lighting issues
meant that wedding photography was largely a studio practice for most of the late 19th century.
Over time technology improved though many couples still might only pose for a single wedding
photograph which would be more of a wedding portrait either at the wedding or a photography
studio. Wedding albums started becoming more popular towards the 1880s, when the photographer
would perhaps include the wedding party in the photographs. Often the wedding gifts would be
laid out and photographed as well. At the beginning of the 20th century, color photography was
available, but was still expensive and unreliable, so most wedding photography was still shot in
black and white. The idea of capturing the wedding "event" started after the Second World War.
Using roll film technology and improved lighting techniques available with the invention of the
compact flash bulb, unlike the cumbersone magnesium flashes that were explosions, photographers
would often return to a wedding in an attempt sell the photos later. Despite the initial low
quality of the wedding photographs, this competition forced studio photographers to start
working on location.
Creative Wedding Photographers
Photographers have access to constantly improving photography technology with the use of remote
triggers and flashes which are very compact and are ideal for taking the studio lighting out on
location. Wedding photographers are now able to take advantage of portable lighting and have the
ability to use creative lighting whilst they are on location with no electricity supply for
example on a beach whilst photographing a wedding. Studio lighting can be extremely powerful and
can be used by wedding photographers on location to create very dramatic photographs provided
the photographer has the necessary experience and the vision to envisage the image and then
create it.